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global programs

OPAD is proud to work with regional offices and affiliates partners in Europe to help integrate and position women, children and youths into a sustainable future. Below are lists of current projects OPAD is implementing globally. 

  • KENYA: Educating Men and Women on drugs and alcohol abuse and Parenting
    PROJECT CODE: EA101 COUNTRY: Kenya TARGET AREAS: Isumu, Kisii, Bungoma, Kakamega, Migori Counties PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$500,000.00 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 28,000 PROJECT DURATION: June 2019-2020 FUNDING DONOR: European Union LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD East Africa Project Description The main developmental problems of men and women included drugs and alcohol abuse, irresponsible parenting, High illiteracy level among women, retrogressive cultural practices, inadequate lively hood opportunity and low income levels, early teenage pregnancies, school drop outs among others. The main problem was inadequate resource ownership among men and women which is associated with money, body and education. Project Goal The purpose of the project will ensure that community knowledge on Violence against Women improved. While the project goal ensure that women and men in Kisii, Kakamega, Migori, Kisumu and Siaya counties will have equal access to resource ownership that will be instrumental to change people’s attitude
  • SWEDEN: Integration Pathway for New Adult Migrants and Refugees
    PROJECT CODE: EU501 COUNTRY: Sweden TARGET AREAS: Stockholm PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$112,520.00 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 10,000 PROJECT DURATION: June 2019-2020 FUNDING DONOR: Erasmus+ LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD Europe Project Description Integration Pathway for New Adult Migrants and Refugees. Project Goal Promote SDGs 4 and 5
  • ROMANIA: Theatre Art for Education, Personal Development and European Citizenship"
    PROJECT CODE: EU504 COUNTRY: Romania TARGET AREAS: xxxxxx PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$71,305.00 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 800 PROJECT DURATION: June 2019-2020 FUNDING DONOR: Erasmus+ LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD Europe Project Description Theatre Art for Education, Personal Development and European Citizenship Project Goal Promote SDGs 4 and 5
  • KENYA: Enhance multidimensional response and innovative approaches towards communal campaign on violence against women
    PROJECT CODE: EA104 COUNTRY: Kenya TARGET AREAS: Isumu, Kisii, Bungoma, Kakamega, Migori Counties PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$265,000.00 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 21,000 PROJECT DURATION: June 2019 -2020 FUNDING DONOR: European Union LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD East Africa Project Description Enhance multidimensional response and innovative approaches towards communal campaign on Violence against women in Kisii, Kakamega, Migori, Bungoma and Siaya Counties by 2018. Increase communal networks and synergies in Kisii, Kakamega, Migori, Bungoma and Siaya Counties to improve learning and better enforcement of national laws and international instruments addressing gender based violence and violence against women by 2018. Project Goal Promote SDGs 1 and 2
  • GREECE: D.E.A.L. -Develop, Empower, Achieve, Learn"
    PROJECT CODE: EU506 COUNTRY: Greece TARGET AREAS: Greece PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$28,070.00 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 800 PROJECT DURATION: June 2019-2020 FUNDING DONOR: Erasmus+ LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD Europe Project Description D.E.A.L. -Develop, Empower, Achieve, Learn Project Goal Promote SDGs 4 and 5
    PROJECT CODE: EU507 COUNTRY: Germany PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$23,530.00 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 500 PROJECT DURATION: June 2019-2020 FUNDING DONOR: Erasmus+ LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD Europe Project Description Face 2.0 Project Goal Promote SDGs 4 and 5
  • FRANCE: Y+E3: Youth Empowerment Through Entrepreneurship Education
    PROJECT CODE: EU508 COUNTRY: FRANCE TARGET AREAS: France PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$16,695.00 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 500 PROJECT DURATION: June 2019-2020 FUNDING DONOR: Erasmus+ LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD Europe Project Description Youth empowerment through enterpreneurship education; this project help broaden the business operation of youths in france to develop innovative products and services that increase their trade volume. Project Goal Promote SDGs 4 and 5
  • LITHUANIA: Integration Pathway for New Adult Migrants and Refugees.
    PROJECT CODE: EU509 COUNTRY: Lithuanian TARGET AREAS: Lithuanian PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$26.290.00 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 500 PROJECT DURATION: June 2019-2020 FUNDING DONOR: Erasmus+ LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD Europe Project Description Integration Pathway for New Adult Migrants and Refugees. Project Goal Promote SDGs 4 and 5
  • TURKEY: Youth Unemployment and Psychological Wellbeing
    PROJECT CODE: EU509 COUNTRY: Turkey TARGET AREAS: PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$26.290.00 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 300 PROJECT DURATION: June 2019-2020 FUNDING DONOR: Erasmus+ LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD Europe Project Description Youth Unemployment and Psychological Wellbeing Project Goal Promote SDGs 4 and 5
  • POLAND: Youth Unemployment and Psychological Wellbeing
    PROJECT CODE: EU509 COUNTRY: Poland TARGET AREAS: Poland PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$26.290.00 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 400 PROJECT DURATION: June 2019-2020 FUNDING DONOR: Erasmus+ LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD Europe Project Description Youth Unemployment and Psychological Wellbeing Project Goal Promote SDGs 4 and 5
  • ITALY: Youth Unemployment and Psychological Wellbeing
    PROJECT CODE: EU509 COUNTRY: Italy TARGET AREAS: Italy PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$26.290.00 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 600 PROJECT DURATION: June 2019-2020 FUNDING DONOR: Erasmus+ LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD Europe Project Description Youth Unemployment and Psychological Wellbeing Project Goal Promote SDGs 4 and 5
  • UGANDA: Child and Displaced welfare Program
    PROJECT CODE: EA107 COUNTRY: Uganda TARGET AREAS: PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$150,000 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 300 PROJECT DURATION:2016-2018 FUNDING DONOR: European Union LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD /Int'l Child Welfare Project Description Due to the sad series of the past calamities, wars and the Karimojong cattle rustling and the rebel insurgency, caused heavy loss of lives and properties, leading to massive displacement of persons drought famine and abduction of women and children. Project Goal Promote SDGs 1 and 16
  • LATIVA: Youth Unemployment and Psychological Wellbeing
    PROJECT CODE: EU509 COUNTRY: Lativa TARGET AREAS: Lativa PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$26.290.00 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 1,000 PROJECT DURATION: June 2019-2020 FUNDING DONOR: Erasmus+ LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD Europe Project Description Youth Unemployment and Psychological Wellbeing Project Goal Promote SDGs 4 and 5
  • CZECH REPUBLIC: Youth Unemployment and Psychological Wellbeing
    PROJECT CODE: EU509 COUNTRY: Czech Republic TARGET AREAS:Czech Republic PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$79,000.00 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 900 PROJECT DURATION: June 2019-2020 FUNDING DONOR: Erasmus+ LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD Europe Project Description Youth Unemployment and Psychological Wellbeing Project Goal Promote SDGs 4 and 5
  • SWEDEN: Young Bridges Connecting Cultures
    PROJECT CODE: EU502 COUNTRY: Sweden TARGET AREAS: Stockholm PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$32,550.00 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 500 PROJECT DURATION: June 2019-2020 FUNDING DONOR: Erasmus+ LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD Europe Project Description Young Bridges Connecting Cultures Project Goal Promote SDGs 4 and 5
  • SWEDEN: Youth Unemployment and Psychological Wellbeing
    PROJECT CODE: EU505 COUNTRY: Sweden TARGET AREAS: Stockholm PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$26,290.00 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 7,000 PROJECT DURATION: June 2019-2020 FUNDING DONOR: Erasmus+ LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD Europe Project Description Youth Unemployment and Psychological Wellbeing Project Goal Promote SDGs 4 and 5
  • SWEDEN: Adventure, Dreams & Hopes"
    PROJECT CODE: EU503 COUNTRY: Sweden TARGET AREAS: Stockholm PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$28,715.00 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 1,000 PROJECT DURATION: June 2019-2020 FUNDING DONOR: Erasmus+ LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD Europe Project Description Adventure, Dreams & Hopes Project Goal Promote SDGs 4 and 5
  • KENYA: Contribute towards increased resilience of communities in ASAL areas of Kenya to drought and other effects of climate change
    PROJECT CODE: EA108 COUNTRY: Kenya TARGET AREAS: PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$500,000 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 10,000 PROJECT DURATION: 2017-2019 FUNDING DONOR: SIDA LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD East Africa Project Description Food and nutrition insecurity remain a major concern in Kenya, with an estimated 10.8 million people (25% of the population) undernourished, and more than 2 million under-five children stunted. Pastoralism and agro-pastoralism are the dominant livelihood systems in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) of Kenya. These livelihood systems are increasingly at risk due to effects of climate change leading to recurrent droughts, degradation of the natural resource base, including water resources, increasing population pressure, restricted access to land and conflict over natural resources . As a response to this situation, the National Drought Management Authority's (NDMA) Common Programme Framework (CPF) was formed to operationalise Kenya's ''Ending Drought Emergencies'' (EDE) strategy that focuses on the 23 most drought prone counties in Kenya. The action responds to the EU's 11th European Development Fund (EDF) National Indicative Programme (NIP) Focal Sector ''Food Security and Resilience to climate shocks'' in ASALs, which is one of the Government's "Big Four" agenda. Project Goal Contribute towards increased resilience of communities in ASAL areas of Kenya to drought and other effects of climate change 1. Enhance food and nutrition security of vulnerable households, especially for women and children. 2. Generate sustainable livelihoods and protect productive assets.
  • KENYA: Climate Change Interventions
    PROJECT CODE: SA301 (ZMB/SGP/OP6/Y3/CORE/CC/18/22) COUNTRY: Zambia TARGET AREAS: xxxxxxx PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$30,000.00 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: xxxxxx PROJECT DURATION:xxxxxxxx FUNDING DONOR: UNDP LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD East Africa Project Description Promoting climate change interventions like alternative energy serving stoves, prevent cutting trees for charcoal burning, and empowerment community through goat rearing Project Goal Promote SDGs 1 and 2
  • TANZANIA & KENYA: Education for Change for Maasai Community (ECMC)
    PROJECT CODE: EA106 COUNTRIES: Kenya and Tanzania TARGET AREAS: Maasai Community PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$250,000 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 10,000 (Schools) 1.5million youths FUNDING DONOR: European Union LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD East Africa Project Description Education for Change for Maasai Community (ECMC) aims to improve literacy and gender empowerment through school enrolment, retention, attendance and learning outcomes for 1.5 million marginalized Maasai female and male youths and Children in Kenya and Tanzania. The project will work with at least 10,000 different institutions for learning [Primary schools, Secondary schools, Adult Education and Community Polytechnics]. Project Goal To improve literacy and gender empowerment through school enrolment, retention, attendance and learning outcomes for 1.5 million marginalized Maasai female and male youths and Children in Kenya and Tanzania
  • ZAMBIA: Food Relief to prevent poverty due to drought
    PROJECT CODE: SA302 COUNTRY: ZAMBIA TARGET AREAS: Southern PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$500,000.00 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 20,000 PROJECT DURATION: 2019-2020 FUNDING DONOR: OPAD LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD East Africa Project Description Food Relief to prevent poverty due to drought Project Goal Promote SDGs 1 and 2
  • ZAMBIA: Protect Girl Child From Sexual Abuse and Early Marriage
    PROJECT CODE: SA303 COUNTRIES: Zambia TARGET AREAS: Luapula PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$500,000.00 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 80,000 PROJECT DURATION: 2019-2020 FUNDING DONOR: OPAD LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD Africa Project Description Protect girl child from sexual abuse and early marriage Project Goal Promote SDGs 4 and 5
  • ZAMBIA: Support adolescent mothers with skills and reproductive information and support
    PROJECT CODE: EA106 COUNTRIES: Zambia TARGET AREAS: Luasaka PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$350,000.00 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 10,000 PROJECT DURATION: 2019-2020 FUNDING DONOR: OPAD LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD Africa Project Description Support adolescent mothers with skills and reproductive information and support Project Goal Promote SDGs 3 and 4
  • ZAMBIA: Education Sponsorship for vulnerable children and orphans
    PROJECT CODE: SA305 COUNTRIES: Zambia TARGET AREAS: Luasaka PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$250,000.00 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 5,000 PROJECT DURATION: 2019-2020 FUNDING DONOR: OPAD LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD Africa Project Description Education Sponsorship for vulnerable children and orphans Project Goal Promote SDGs 4 and 5
  • ZAMBIA: Response to Disasters and Mitigation in Food and Shelter
    PROJECT CODE: SA306 COUNTRIES: Zambia TARGET AREAS: Luasaka PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$500,000.00 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 50,000 PROJECT DURATION: 2019-2020 FUNDING DONOR: EU LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD Africa Project Description Response to Disasters and mitigation in food and shelter Project Goal Promote SDGs 1 and 2
  • ZAMBIA: Strengthening the integrated implementation of the community Led HIV Prevention among the adolescent girls and women
    PROJECT CODE: SA307 COUNTRIES: Zambia TARGET AREAS: Luasaka PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$200,000.00 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 10,000 PROJECT DURATION: 2019-2020 FUNDING DONOR: EU LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD Africa Project Description Strengthening the integrated implementation of the community Led HIV Prevention among the adolescent girls and women Project Goal Promote SDGs 3 and 4
  • ZAMBIA: Prevention of Climate change effects through Environmental and Natural Resource Management Empowerment
    PROJECT CODE: SA308 COUNTRIES: Zambia TARGET AREAS: Luasaka PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$200,000.00 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 20,000 PROJECT DURATION: 2019-2020 FUNDING DONOR: EU LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD Africa Project Description Prevention of Climate change effects through Environmental and Natural Resource Management Empowerment Project Goal Promote SDGs 7 and 13
  • ZAMBIA: Provide agriculture input and promote food production to prevent poverty
    PROJECT CODE: SA309 COUNTRIES: Zambia TARGET AREAS: Luasaka PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$500,000.00 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 50,000 PROJECT DURATION: 2019-2020 FUNDING DONOR: OPAD LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD Africa Project Description Provide agriculture input and promote food production to prevent poverty Project Goal Promote SDGs 1 and 2
  • ZAMBIA: Refugee business skills support and empowerment
    PROJECT CODE: SA310 COUNTRIES: Zambia TARGET AREAS: Zambia PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$800,000.00 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 20,000 PROJECT DURATION: 2019-2020 FUNDING DONOR: EU LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD Africa Project Description Refugee business skills support and empowerment Project Goal Promote SDGs 1 and 2
  • ZAMBIA: Prevention of Human Rights Violation and promote Gender Equality
    PROJECT CODE: SA311 COUNTRIES: Zambia TARGET AREAS: Luasaka PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$500,000.00 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 10,000 PROJECT DURATION: 2019-2020 FUNDING DONOR: EU LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD/Law Association of Zambia Project Description Prevention of Human Rights Violation and promote Gender Equality Project Goal Promote SDGs 5 and 16
  • ZAMBIA: Women and Youths Leadership and Governance and implement the SDG 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
    PROJECT CODE: SA312 COUNTRIES: Zambia TARGET AREAS: Luasaka PROJECT AMOUNT: USD$250,000.00 TARGET BENEFICIARIES: 5,000 PROJECT DURATION: 2019-2020 FUNDING DONOR: EU/OPAD LEAD IMPLEMENTER: OPAD/National School of Leadership Project Description Women and Youths Leadership and Governance and implement the SDG 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls Project Goal Promote SDGs 5 and 16
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